Let the Right One In
(Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
2 Stars
I’m going to start by saying I know nothing of Swedish cinema. I probably know more about quantum physics than I do of the matter. However, with all the hype that Tomas Alfredson’s vampire drama Lat Den Ratte Komma In has received of late, I figured I should give it a go. And I probably shan’t be returning to Swedish ventures any time soon.
I’ll probably ruffle a few feathers here. Probably the “oh, you’ve missed the point” crowd, but, quite frankly, I found this movie to be utterly boring, pretentious and, for use of a better word, wanky.
Remniscent of the equally dull Twilight movie, Lat Den Ratte Komma In is shot exclusively in that same dreary monotone, with little to no music to add interest (there’s atmospheric and there’s plain dull chaps…), and tells the now all too familiar tale of schoolday vampiric relations.
To be fair to its young actors, they do put in a good show, with Lina Leandersson quite enchanting as the young boy-turned-girl-turned-vampire, but the encompassing story is so very without incident that even the greatest of actors would fail to rouse some intrigue.
Featuring the gayest bullies since Kiefer Sutherland in Stand By Me and the most hilariously bad scene involving angry cats since Keyboard Cat graced our computer screens, Lat Den Ratte Komma In will, and indeed has, find a cult following I’m sure, but quite honestly, I’d rather watched Robert Pattinson whining for another two hours.
(Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
2 Stars
I’m going to start by saying I know nothing of Swedish cinema. I probably know more about quantum physics than I do of the matter. However, with all the hype that Tomas Alfredson’s vampire drama Lat Den Ratte Komma In has received of late, I figured I should give it a go. And I probably shan’t be returning to Swedish ventures any time soon.
I’ll probably ruffle a few feathers here. Probably the “oh, you’ve missed the point” crowd, but, quite frankly, I found this movie to be utterly boring, pretentious and, for use of a better word, wanky.
Remniscent of the equally dull Twilight movie, Lat Den Ratte Komma In is shot exclusively in that same dreary monotone, with little to no music to add interest (there’s atmospheric and there’s plain dull chaps…), and tells the now all too familiar tale of schoolday vampiric relations.
To be fair to its young actors, they do put in a good show, with Lina Leandersson quite enchanting as the young boy-turned-girl-turned-vampire, but the encompassing story is so very without incident that even the greatest of actors would fail to rouse some intrigue.
Featuring the gayest bullies since Kiefer Sutherland in Stand By Me and the most hilariously bad scene involving angry cats since Keyboard Cat graced our computer screens, Lat Den Ratte Komma In will, and indeed has, find a cult following I’m sure, but quite honestly, I’d rather watched Robert Pattinson whining for another two hours.
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