Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge
(Takuji Kitamura, 2007)
2 Stars
I’ve always been a stickler for movies with daft names; Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Killer Klowns From Outer Space… But when it comes to really off-the-wall titles, Japan has always held the crown. Thus, when I came across the bizarrely named Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge during this week’s Nippon Challenge, I cared not for content, simple knowing that such an oddball title was one I had to watch.
I must admit, however, that I was left somewhat disappointed. Unlike, for example, Vampire Girl Vs Frankenstein Girl, Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge is not quite the foray into weirdness that its name suggests.
Admittedly, on the surface, the story is just the right level of crazy; a girl, somehow endowed with super powers, is visited on a nightly basis by a strange chainsaw wielding man from outer space. Cue some excellent martial arts sequences and more flying daggers than a certain House by the same name, all shot with a keen eye for the art. Alas, between these groovy little fight sequences is a rather listless romance story about what seems to be finding your inner self and fighting the demons therein. As a concept, it’s not bad, but in execution it’s generally pretty bland.
The two leads, who alas I cannot name as IMDB has somehow failed to house a cast list (perhaps the first time that the net’s greatest asset has let me down), are rather uninteresting, and not enough info is given as to the Chainsaw Man’s presence to keep a viewer intrigued.
That said, it’s certainly not the worst way to spend ninety minutes, with just enough of the high-flying action to keep yourself awake. Just not quite enough to warrant a better review…
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