This month’s KitKat collective comes from the far corners of Japan, ranging from little ol’ Yanai to the bright lights of Tokyo. Alas, no Soy Sauce flavour could be found, but there are a few delights nonetheless. Usual four-finger rating applies.
The first of our Tokyo specials is this tasty little chap, featuring a delightfully cute teddy bear on the wrapper. Strawberry KitKats seem to be something of a commonplace round these parts; indeed, I think this is the fourth different strawberry variety I’ve come across, and is certainly the best. Sweet but not saccharine, this one really does taste like strawberry milkshake. Yum.
Another Tokyo venture is one that I came across first not long after I arrived in Japan. I must admit however, that despite the lovely gift box I received for my birthday, it’s not one I’m a fan of. I mean, let’s face it; it’s a potato flavour KitKat. Definitely one to pass off on others…
Mix Fruit Smoothie KitKat – 3.5 Fingers
This is one I’m really quite keen on actually, mostly because it delivers exactly what it says on the packet; fruity and tasty, with a scrumptious mix of peach, banana and strawberry, this one really brings back the taste of juice bars back home.
Exactly what the “plus” is, I’m not quite sure, but this is a really good little number. Rather than the usual wafer filling, we have a shortcake interior that is simply fabulous. Unfortunately, these ones are even smaller than the already downsized regular KitKats, and such really leave you wanting more. A shame really, especially since they only come in packs of six.
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