The Power of Madonna
4.5 Stars
It’s not often that I feel obliged to write a review of a specific episode of a series (the pilot of the new Doctor Who withstanding), but after doubts I had last week over the new demi-season of the cult hit Glee, I felt that I had to sing out my praises at this weeks expedition into sheer joy.
I will, however, be careful to issue my first ever
simply because I have no idea where in the series you chaps way out West are at the moment. But anyways.
So, last week we kicked off with yet another Finn and Rachel heavy drone-fest, with some obvious choices in the “Hello” themed episode and little to no real progression in the story, save for making Shue out to be an utter douche by copping off with Idina Menzel only moments after getting together with the lovely Miss Pilsbury, and our impressionable principal sharing a night of despicable passion with the terrifying Coach Sylvester.
But that was last week. And tepidly, I tuned into this week’s outing, only to be confronted with the rather yawn-worthy revelation that this would be a Madonna special. Sigh. And indeed sigh I did for the first twenty minutes or so of generic whiny Rachel, dull-as-muck Finn banter.
And then a surprise. A true moment of Glee brilliance, reminding me why this show isn’t more aptly titled Twee. Coach Sylvester performing a beautifully shot and wonderfully choreographed “Vogue”. I literally grinned like a Cheshire Cat for the full black and white number. Following this, a moment I’ve been waiting for for a very, very long time; some of our wonderful supporting characters to finally take the spot light. And fortunately for me, twas two of my favourite Gleeks; the openly out Kurt (played with a tender beauty by real life homosexual Chris Colfer) and big black momma Mercedes (the delightful Amber Riley) performing the recent hit “Four Minutes”.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, we have three of our Glee couples all about to lose their virginity in a brilliantly arranged “Like a Virgin”, culminating in some really touching moments as our stars each realise just what there are getting themselves into and how very unprepared they are. The ensemble of boys following this up with a lovely a capella rendition of “What it Feels Like For a Girl” was a wonderful little touch.
This week’s Glee has done exactly what last week’s should have done, and yet tragically failed to; propelled this new demi-season forward with much aplomb, bringing to the front lines the always spot-on supporting characters (though I still feel sorry for the two football players… I don’t even recall their names “bl
ack guy” and “other Asian” as Sylvester refers to them. I don’t believe I’ve actually heard either one speak yet), and turfing out some truly memorable musical performances, none so more than this episode’s finale of “Like a Prayer”, which quite frankly gave me a couple of much needed shivers.
Glee, you’re back on form, in fine tune, and set for a great season. Keep hitting those high notes!
4.5 Stars
It’s not often that I feel obliged to write a review of a specific episode of a series (the pilot of the new Doctor Who withstanding), but after doubts I had last week over the new demi-season of the cult hit Glee, I felt that I had to sing out my praises at this weeks expedition into sheer joy.
I will, however, be careful to issue my first ever
simply because I have no idea where in the series you chaps way out West are at the moment. But anyways.
So, last week we kicked off with yet another Finn and Rachel heavy drone-fest, with some obvious choices in the “Hello” themed episode and little to no real progression in the story, save for making Shue out to be an utter douche by copping off with Idina Menzel only moments after getting together with the lovely Miss Pilsbury, and our impressionable principal sharing a night of despicable passion with the terrifying Coach Sylvester.
But that was last week. And tepidly, I tuned into this week’s outing, only to be confronted with the rather yawn-worthy revelation that this would be a Madonna special. Sigh. And indeed sigh I did for the first twenty minutes or so of generic whiny Rachel, dull-as-muck Finn banter.
And then a surprise. A true moment of Glee brilliance, reminding me why this show isn’t more aptly titled Twee. Coach Sylvester performing a beautifully shot and wonderfully choreographed “Vogue”. I literally grinned like a Cheshire Cat for the full black and white number. Following this, a moment I’ve been waiting for for a very, very long time; some of our wonderful supporting characters to finally take the spot light. And fortunately for me, twas two of my favourite Gleeks; the openly out Kurt (played with a tender beauty by real life homosexual Chris Colfer) and big black momma Mercedes (the delightful Amber Riley) performing the recent hit “Four Minutes”.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, we have three of our Glee couples all about to lose their virginity in a brilliantly arranged “Like a Virgin”, culminating in some really touching moments as our stars each realise just what there are getting themselves into and how very unprepared they are. The ensemble of boys following this up with a lovely a capella rendition of “What it Feels Like For a Girl” was a wonderful little touch.
This week’s Glee has done exactly what last week’s should have done, and yet tragically failed to; propelled this new demi-season forward with much aplomb, bringing to the front lines the always spot-on supporting characters (though I still feel sorry for the two football players… I don’t even recall their names “bl

Glee, you’re back on form, in fine tune, and set for a great season. Keep hitting those high notes!
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