Let’s get the daftest one out of the way first, shall we? Yes, Mr. Nestle and his confectionary wizards have actually decided to create a cheese flavoured treat. Quite frankly, it’s just as bad as it sounds. Certainly capturing the cheesy taste, which in itself not such a good thing, this is more a novelty than any kind of treat.
Brown Sugar KitKat – 1.5 Fingers
The idea of adding something sweet to something else that’s likewise saccharine is not a new one. Jelly Babies are dusted with icing sugar, and millionaire’s shortbread is one of man’s finest indulgent creations. Adding the taste of molasses to a chocolate bar, however, is not really something that floated my boat. Overly sugary, and with a texture that rather made my teeth itch, this is another miss for my books.
Potato KitKat Bar – 1 Finger
This isn’t the first potato variety there’s been, and I have a sneaking suspicion it won’t be the last. Unfortunately, it’s just as horrible as every one that’s come before it, and undoubtably every one that’s soon to come. Just bigger.
I’m not much of a fan of green tea to be honest. It tastes a bit like old dishwater. But ho hum. This is a regional variety brought back for me from Kyoto by one of my students. It’s not awful, and is certainly a little nicer than the real thing, but it’s definitely not something I’d pay the shinkansen ride to Kyoto for.
Somewhat of a reprieve from the badness of recent ventures is this delightful little number, which comes, even more endearingly, in a KitKat coffee cup. Hokkaido, famous in Japan for its cream (which isn’t actually all that great…) lends its name to this coffee flavoured number. Which is just top notch.
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