(Joss Whedon, 2008)
5 Stars
Joss Whedon is something of a hero of mine. Probably the greatest writer/director working today, if not ever, Joss manages to excite me in ways that no other purveyor of televisual treats can ever do. Indeed, so excited was I about his forthcoming film The Cabin in the Woods, that I was plunged into a dark funk of depression upon discovering that it had found itself in the middle of a political war, and thus still pending release date. Grr.
Whedon first displayed his unique talent for the television musical back in 2003, when the cast of Buffy found themselves under the spell of a music making demon; a demon that caused my CD player to repeat itself over and over for the months that followed.
As such, I was overjoyed with excitement back when the ingenious Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog first aired online back in 2008, and, in much need of a Whedon fix a few days back, decided it was time once again to get singing along.
Dr. Horrible follows the exploits of the eponymous evil genius (played with musical aptitude by Neil Patrick Harris – How I Met Your Mother, Dougie Houser MD) as he fights his nemesis Captain Hammer (Whedon regular Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Serenity) on fine misogynistic form) and tries to win the heart of the lovely Penny (Felicia Day – Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The Guild), whilst at the same time trying his darnedest to enter the ever watchful League of Evil, reigned over by the dastardly Bad Horse.
It’s fantastic fun, but what really makes Dr. Horrible a classic is the perfect combination of Whedon’s inimitable comedic tone, some fantastically memorable songs, and a cast that really throw themselves into the silliness full throttle.
Typically Whedonesque, Dr. Horrible is yet another cult classic from the crowned prince of quirky television.
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