In the land of KitKats, offerings have been somewhat on the sparse side of late. However, this week, we have a trio of chocolately goodness for your oral pleasure, two of the relatively ordinary, and one just plain wierd... As ever, we're on the four finger ratig system. Enjoy.
Strawberry KitKat - 3 Fingers

Strawberries and chocolate is a coupling as old as pleasure itself, though having treid Nestle's "Strawberry Fizz KitKat" (a bright pink thing that left a hideous aftertaste) I was somewhat dubious about its new "regular" counterpart. But I was pleasantly surprised. I have generally found strawberries in Japan to be a little bland and tasteless, so was taken aback somewhat by the sweet and pungeant aroma that presented itself as I unwrapped the bar. The taste is good; not too sweet as fruit-flavoured chocolates often are, and thankfully this time, no acrid aftermath. Good work Mr. N.
Citrus KitKat - 3 Fingers
I picked up this bright orange little number whilst in Hiroshima, and have not, as of yet, seen it down here in Yanai. It's a strange one, infusing all three major citrus flavours (orange, lemon and lime) into one KitKat, and giving it a lurid orange hue. But it works rather nicely. A deliciously sour twang and strong flavours of all three fruits produce a curiously tasty treat.
Sakura KitKat - 2.5 Fingers

I've already given my thoughts on the Sakura Starbucks experience (not one I shall be repeating), and maintain a sense of bemusement at the obsession to infuse this national flower into everything imaginable. So it was with a wary tongue that I bit into the green-coloured Sakura (Japanese Cherry Blossom) KitKat. And after all, it wasn't actually too bad. I spent a good few minutes trying to work out what it reminded me of (Kelloggs Bran Flakes of all things...), and although I probably shan't be picking up any more (at least for myself), I shall be eating the remaining bar in the fridge, rather than passing it off on someone else in a future care package. Not that I ever do that. Ever. Certainly not to get rid of Sweet Potato flavour ones (Harry).
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