My last day in Yanai was, however, brightened up no end upon discovering the tasty new “Autumn Assort”. Nom-ilicious.
Chestnuts are a strange breed. Obviously not the kind that once were battled in school playgrounds (until good old health and safety stepped in), rather the kind that are sold by cheery greasy Cockney folk outside the British Museum. The Chestnut KitKat is pretty yummy. Smooth and nutty, it’s certainly the best of the nut-based bars I’ve come across.
There seems to be something of an obsession with Crème Brule style flavours in these reaches; indeed this is the fourth variation of exactly the same flavour that I’ve come across. Yes, it’s good, but can we come up with something new please chaps?
There’s been some weird ones along the way; Wasabi wasn’t exactly a tasty treat, and Vegetable Juice was a painful ordeal. Sometimes, however, it’s the most bizarre flavours that really hit the spot. Salt and caramel may not, at first, sound at all appealing, but in fact this one of the greats. The lightly salted wafers hidden by a delectably caramel chocolate combine for a real, filling snack. Hello salty goodness!